Sunday, December 13, 2009

T minus 7 days and counting!

Oh. My. Goodness. I can't believe that in 7 days, Nam and I will be flying out to Japan!!!! Nihon here we come!!
At this very moment in time one week from now, we're going to be winging our way through the sky- Oh no wait a moment, no we're not- we'll still be in the Gold Coast on our three hour stop-over. D'oh.

It's been a crazy couple of weeks- trying to get everything organised at the last second. Japan Rail passes were bought on Wednesday- Christmas pressies for the fam are still getting organised, and we haven't exchanged any money yet. And for those of you who haven't had the pleasure of seeing me in the last couple of weeks (lucky you) you wouldn't know about the constant moaning and groaning about the stupid uni assignments for Summer School that I've been trying to do (one down, and about 2400 words to go) Poor me... life is so hard (especially when you choose to do a summer school, knowing full well that you're going away, well in advance of actually enrolling).

Nam and I have also been practising our Japanese- very big at the moment:
Moo ichido itte kudasai- Could you please say that again?
Eego o hanashimasu ka - Do you speak English?
Toire wa doku desu ka- Where is the toilet?
Kanpai- Cheers!
Oishi desu ne - This is delicious!

I think we'll get by...


  1. Soo jealous!
    You forgot the most important phrase!

    ichiban chikai kutsuya wa dokodesuka? - Where is the closest shoe shop?


  2. Looking forward to reading this blog. Hey can you guys see my pic under followers? I don't think it's working!!

    Also, follow me please!

  3. Hey Caths,
    Nah can't see it. But when I hover over the generic pic under followers, I can see your name... But your pic comes up next to your comment. Weird and random!
